Paul Jameson
Sep 12, 2022
The Rings of Power - The Beginning
I've been waiting all year for this. Quietly. Avoiding all the promotional material and videos, publicity, and the (often right-wing)...
Paul Jameson
Sep 1, 2022
Painted Eye
Light. Pretty. Soft flutter of wings in flight. Strange flight. Funny misshaped meander. Colourful, up, down, round and ‘bout, this way,...
Paul Jameson
Aug 22, 2022
Night Sky (2022) : A Review of Sorts
Mmm. How to start? Firstly, I suppose, I have to say I didn't know what to expect when I finally decided to watch 'Night Sky' on Amazon...
Paul Jameson
Aug 5, 2022
'The Children of Húrin' by JRR Tolkien: A Review of Sorts
Having finished the Silmarillion before reading this, I have been amazed at the breadth and depth of Tolkien's worldly vision. It's huge....
Paul Jameson
Jun 27, 2022
The Umbrella Academy - A Review of Sorts (No Spoilers!)
Yep. Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy dropped on Netflix on the 22/06/22 and me, yes me, I'd watched all 10 episodes by the 24th. It just...
Paul Jameson
Jun 13, 2022
Outer Range (2022): A Review of Sorts
I don't know what to write about this. Really enjoyed it; And yet... But then is that the art of it, Making me want more. And I do. Want...
Paul Jameson
May 31, 2022
'Stranger Things' and 'Eternals' - The Hit and Miss of Writing
For the last couple of weeks my blog has focussed on books - namely Tolkien's 'THE SILMARILLION' - and with 'THE CHILDREN OF HURIN' on...
Paul Jameson
May 24, 2022
Second Breakfast: Akallabêth and the Third Age (The Silmarillion)
This week I finished reading the last two sections of the book that is - though these two parts are not directly part of the story of the...
Paul Jameson
May 16, 2022
The Silmarillion : A Review of Sorts
I finished The Silmarillion. Not the whole book mind, just the Silmarillion part - which is about three quarters of the whole. I'm just...
Paul Jameson
May 9, 2022
Alexander (Theatrical Cut)
I have to say I'm right into getting theatrical and extended cuts for historical and fantasy films these days. The first one I invested...