Paul Jameson
Nov 10, 2023
Danny the Champion of the World
At the age of 54, coming up 55, this may not sound a lot to brag about, but today I finished reading 'Danny the Champion of the World'...
Paul Jameson
Oct 10, 2022
The Road To Nowhere by Johnny Samson: A Review of Sorts
Okay, first off, lets give this book its full official title because it's important. The Road To Nowhere: How to be a Successful Failure...
Paul Jameson
Aug 5, 2022
'The Children of Húrin' by JRR Tolkien: A Review of Sorts
Having finished the Silmarillion before reading this, I have been amazed at the breadth and depth of Tolkien's worldly vision. It's huge....
Paul Jameson
May 24, 2022
Second Breakfast: Akallabêth and the Third Age (The Silmarillion)
This week I finished reading the last two sections of the book that is - though these two parts are not directly part of the story of the...
Paul Jameson
May 16, 2022
The Silmarillion : A Review of Sorts
I finished The Silmarillion. Not the whole book mind, just the Silmarillion part - which is about three quarters of the whole. I'm just...
Paul Jameson
Mar 28, 2022
For Those Unaware, #INDIEAPRIL Is Upon Us
Where has the year gone? April in 3 days. Already! And for those unaware, it means #INDIEAPRIL is upon us. Consider this your wake-up...
Paul Jameson
Mar 17, 2022
DreamSwarm : Place for Supernatural Film, Stories, Art
DreamSwarm celebrates the art and artists of a strange place. The brainchild and baby of Andy Mark Simpson, it is a place that enjoys the...
Paul Jameson
Nov 12, 2021
Back Reading, and Two Reviews of Sorts...
My brain is rubbish. After three breakdowns and a variety of mental illnesses diagnosed, it doesn't work at all well. My memory is shot...
Paul Jameson
Sep 9, 2021
Life of Maggot
Is a strange piece, even by my standards. A novella in length, I wrote it as a kind of precursor to NIGHTJAR, to put into context hinted...
Paul Jameson
May 28, 2021
Fields of Grace - A Book Review of Sorts
I used to read ravenously. All the time. Now, since my brain went weird and I had a few mental breakdowns, I think I'm up there as one of...