Paul Jameson
- Nov 10, 2023
Danny the Champion of the World
At the age of 54, coming up 55, this may not sound a lot to brag about, but today I finished reading 'Danny the Champion of the World'...
Paul Jameson
- Jul 14, 2023
A New Me? Kind of, but not really...
A New Me? Kind of, but not really... I know. Strange title. And it's been a while. October 2022 since I last wrote a blog post. Strangely...
Paul Jameson
- Feb 28, 2022
What Middle Earth Means to Me...
I tried reading the Silmarillion when I was about fourteen, after having finished (and falling in love with) The Lord of the Rings. I...
Paul Jameson
- Feb 17, 2022
On Reading, Writing, and Watching
Time I reinvigorated the blog. It's been awhile. Being a recluse - and indeed having become even more reclusive over the last couple of...
Paul Jameson
- Mar 14, 2021
Idle Thoughts, the British Museum and Museum of London
Trying to find inspiration for a new piece, a beginning that catches me with character or emotion, and my idle thoughts lead me to...
Paul Jameson
- Jan 21, 2019
Why Folklore? And Why is it important to Me?
Why Folklore? And why is it important to me? Sounds a simple enough question, only once you start to strip away the obvious you quite...
Paul Jameson
- Jan 14, 2019
Folklore and Me - A Healthy Fascination
Over the last few years, whilst struggling with mental health, I've come to realise how important the folklore, history and landscape of...
Paul Jameson
- Jul 17, 2017
The Inner Child and Writer's Block
As per my weekly routine, I joined with other writers and Twitter friends for #storycrafter yesterday. It was all about fear and how it...
Paul Jameson
- Jul 3, 2017
On the Beauty of Mental Illness
I'm really busy editing and so my life is pretty much that at the moment. So I have chosen to share an old post from January 2015 and an...
Paul Jameson
- Apr 10, 2017
The Madness of Writing: Inside the Bell Jar
This week I’d like to raise awareness of... ‘Inside the Bell Jar’ A literary journal and brave new venture, this online journal aims to...